โUse decoration tag "mayon-button-large" to get a button added, after you have created a hyperlink. This is your primary button styling but as large button that can be applied.โUse decoration tag "mayon-button" to get a button added, after you have created a hyperlink. This is your primary button styling across the website.
โUse decoration tag "mayon-button-inverse" to get a button added, after you have created a hyperlink. This button is an inverse from the default button.
โUse decoration tag "mayon-button-inverse" to get a button added, after you have created a hyperlink. This button is an inverse from the default button.
BUTTON SECONDARY โUse decoration tag "mayon-button-outline" to get a button added, after you have created a hyperlink. This is your outline button styling across the website
โUse decoration tag "mayon-button-small" to get a smaller button, you can apply this in combination with any of the other buttons style decorations from above.